divendres, 6 de novembre del 2015

Teatre del lector

"A pesar de ser un arte efímero, el teatro siempre deja huella"
Tomás Motos

Reader's Theater (Teatre llegit o teatre del lector)

"Readers Theater is readers reading a script adapted from literature, and the audience picturing the action from hearing the script being read aloud. It requires no sets, costumes, props, or memorized lines. Instead of acting out literature as in a play, the performer’s goal is to read a script aloud effectively, enabling the audience to visualize the action. Performers bring the text alive by using voice, facial expressions, and some gestures"

Mostra de treballs dels alumnes a partir de la tècnica de teatre del lector:

Abans del Teatre del Lector, treballàrem per tasques segons la nostra intel·ligència múltiple. Aquests van ser alguns dels resultats:

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